Wednesday, 3 March 2004

Sandra Before and After

Sandra - BEFORE 81 kilos. . . NOW 52 kilos!
"I strongly encourage you to use the Weight Management Program - especially if you're an experienced dieter like me. I suffered through years of feeling miserable about my body, but you don't have to. Get on the fast track to weight control success with this remarkable program. When I was introduced to Herbalife I weighed 81 kilos and was very depressed about my looks. Fortunately my sister told me about the Herbalife Weight Management Program, so I tried it out of a mixture of curiosity and desperation. In four months I reached my goal of 52 kilos which I've maintained for the past three years."

Tuesday, 2 March 2004

Lindia and Ron Before and After

BEFORE Ron: 91 kilos. . . NOW 72 kilos!
BEFORE Lidia: 70 kilos. . . NOW 53 kilos!
"We spent years carrying excess weight and not really enjoying life to the fullest. When a friend told us about Herbalife, we initially said 'No.' Thanks to her persistence, we finally decided to try the Weight Management Program. I have lost 19 kilos, taken off four inches from my waist and feel fantastic. Lidia lost 17 kilos, went from a size 18 to a size 12 and weighs the same as she did in high school. And best of all, we've kept the weight off for nearly four years! We wish we had tried this amazing program earlier."

Monday, 1 March 2004

Jim Poore Before and After

Jim - BEFORE 279 kilos, NOW 95 kilos
“Right away I had unbelievable stamina. In just under two years on the programme I lost 184 kilos, over 500 cm and went from a pants size of 80 to a 34. If I can lose weight, anyone can!”